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Scott Reid is the Member of Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. He was first elected in November 2000.

He has previously served as the Shadow Minister (or opposition critic) for Democratic Institutions (2015-2018), Deputy Opposition House Leader (2015-2016), and Deputy Government House Leader (2006-2015).

He also served as the chairman of the subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (2008-2015).

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Canada Summer Jobs – A more detailed summary, and links

July 22, 2019

I’ve described some elements of the Canada Summer Jobs program in my 2019 annual report, HERE. In this post, I will provide additional detail about how Service Canada assesses applications for funding. Most of what follows is verbatim from Service Canada, with edits for clarity and brevity. The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program is an initiative of the Youth…

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My speech on my motion M-153, on a National Day of Solidarity with Victims of Anti-religious Bigotry and Violence

May 31, 2019

Here is my speech on my Private Members’ Motion M-153, to create a National Day of Solidarity with Victims of Anti-religious Bigotry and Violence. Here is the text of my motion: “That the House recognize that acts of violence and bigotry directed against religious believers, such as the June 23, 1985, bombing of Air India Flights 182 and 301,…

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Local MP Scott Reid Releases C-45 Riding Referendum Results

November 27, 2017

This afternoon, after receiving almost 3,100 votes from his constituents responding to his C-45 riding referendum mail-out, local MP Scott Reid (Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston) announced that 55% of his responding constituents instructed him to vote YES on Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act, at third reading in the House of Commons. This vote is in accordance with Reid’s commitment to respect the…

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Local MP Scott Reid wins ‘Best Civic Outreach Effort’ at Parliamentarian of the Year awards

November 9, 2017

For immediate release On November 7, local MP Scott Reid (Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) was awarded “Best Civic Outreach Effort” at the 2017 Maclean’s Parliamentarian of the Year awards. Winners are selected by a vote among all MPs, conducted by secret ballot. Maclean’s Magazine / L’Actualite oversees the voting. Reid stated that he believes the reason that other MPs chose him as…

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Scott Reid asks Prime Minister Trudeau to request release of Canadian citizen, Falun Gong practitioner from detention in China

November 3, 2017

Today, Scott Reid sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau requesting that, during the upcoming APEC meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Prime Minister request the release of Canadian citizen Qian Sun, who was detained in February for practicing Falun Gong. Mr. Reid made a similar request in 2002 to Prime Minister Chretien that resulted in the release…

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Constituency Referendum #9: Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act (2017 Fall)

October 16, 2017

Fall 2017 www.scottreid.ca/BillC-45 Resources from the Office of Scott Reid, M.P.: Announcement of Constituency Referendum #9 on Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act (News release) PDF version of Scott Reid’s mail-out — Constituency Referendum #9 News release respecting Scott Reid’s vote in favour of Bill C-45 at second reading (June 8, 2017) Interview with Scott Reid on marijuana legalization (by BJ…

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Local MP Scott Reid votes in favour of Bill C-45 (The Cannabis Act)

June 8, 2017

For immediate release Today I will be voting in favour of Bill C-45, The Cannabis Act, at Second Reading. When a bill is approved at Second Reading, it is normally sent to a House of Commons committee for further discussion and potential amendment. Committee meetings are used to gather expert testimony that can result in substantial improvements to legislation,…

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Scott Reid on the persecution of Christians worldwide

May 11, 2017

View the video HERE. Below is my statement today in the House of Commons on the persecution of Christians worldwide: ***** Here are three facts, Mr. Speaker: Thanks be to God, state-sanctioned persecution in the name of Christianity is nearly extinct, worldwide; Religious persecution, by officially Muslim states—and even more, by officially atheist regimes, is alive and well. Over 200…

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Scott Reid is the Member of Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. He was first elected in November 2000.

He has previously served as the Shadow Minister (or opposition critic) for Democratic Institutions (2015-2018), Deputy Opposition House Leader (2015-2016), and Deputy Government House Leader (2006-2015).

He also served as the chairman of the subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (2008-2015).

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